Overcoming Stereotypes And Myths About Depression

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Stereotypes! A widely oversimplified portrait or the idea of a particular entity or thing.

This ideology in man has led to myths as a means of comparison with the real thing.

How then do one triumph over depression folklore?

What prime factors helps to ease the pain and thought of stigma that is accredited to depression?

All these questions and lots more bother the human mind in its quest for answers.

Apparently, in this age of technology and information, certain people find it easy to defraud the weak with promises of fast recovery procedures which require upfront payment.

In prospect, overcoming stereotypes and myths about depression is paramount, and I have taken time to simplify it.

Below are common myths about depression.

  1. It is hereditary.
  2. One will be on drugs for the rest of his or her life.
  3. Snap a rubber band on wrist each time one develops bad thoughts.
  4. Having a compassionate family around at all times and being stress-free will seize depression.
  5. Depression is a sign of mental depreciation.
  6. It is the same as sadness.
  7. It is not a real ailment.
  8. It occurs only through traumatic experience or event.
  9. It’s all fictional and pure imagination.
  10. Real men never get depressed.
  11. Taking antidepressants will do the job.
  12. Talking about it increases it.

Haven identified the tales surrounding depression; it is crucial to note that there is no stigma in being depressed.

Although, certain people lack proper education on the issue as they tend to portray a bad image and idea of the problem.

Yes! Depression is an illness, and it is like any other disease. The truth remains -It is curable. So, do not let the thought of others cloud your judgment and means to breaking free.

What causes depression?

As often said; “whenever there is a problem, there is a solution.” It is in the best interest of man or woman to know the causes of depression before elaborating on the solutions.

Here Are Some Causes Of Depression

  • Imbalance in blood stability as a result of stress or hormones
  • Severe genetic combination
  • Constant intake of alcohol and drugs
  • Medication
  • Past or present abuse such as sexual, physical or emotional abuse
  • The environment
  • Premenstrual problem

Though there are lots of harmful effects of stigmatization on individuals dealing with depression, like discrimination against job opportunity & social activities, lack of understanding from close relatives and friends, limitations to success and so on and so forth, which leads to avoiding treatment by individuals.

What Do I Do?

It is advisable to get treatment as quickly as possible, be educated on the matter, avoid isolation and equating yourself with the illness. Above all, acknowledge and accept that you need help because waiting longer can worsen the symptoms.

depression counseling

What are the symptoms of depression?

This information varies all over the internet. Unfortunately, just as two persons differ from each other even identical twins, so is the symptoms, effects, and treatment for each.

It is only natural that only a professional therapist or counselor can decipher the cause and treatment planning.

The Signs Of Depression

  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Tearfulness over minor things or without any reason
  • Constant pains
  • Change in the amount of sleep
  • Change in appetite (resulting in weight gain or loss)
  • Easily irritated
  • Suicidal or homicidal thought
  • Lack of concentration
  • The feeling of guilt and worthlessness
  • Loss of energy and fatigue
  • Activity change
  • Loss of interest in pleasure and social activities

Furthermore, distinguishing between myths and reality is very important. It is because of the notion of the myths that so many people have mastered the act of deception which is causing much harm than good.

The Reality Of Depression

  1. Sadness is far different from depression in as much as it is a trait of depression. Sadness is temporary while depression is a deadly illness which tags along with emptiness, apathy, tense mood and anxiety for months or years.
  2. It is not a sign of mental depreciation but an indiscriminate psychological, social and biological disorder that can be handled through daily effort and commitment.
  3. Traumatic life event does not always specify depression even though they help trigger it in some cases. Depression is an occurring effect that lasts for a long time.
  4. It is a real sickness that affects not only the human thought or physical mood but the body as well.
  5. Depression is not only in the head like most people seem it be. There are other traits of depression in physical form like insomnia, fatigue, body pains, etc.
  6. The notion that real men do not get depressed is wrong as some men get suicidal or homicidal thoughts. In fact, people are easily depressed and hide behind drugs and alcohol.
  7. That depression is hereditary is arguably not founded. People believing in it should desist from the assumption and seek help from a professional counselor or therapist.
  8. That you need antidepressants, medicine is not all it takes to heal. Most cases require therapy and other methods for speedy recovery.
  9. Depression does not guarantee lifetime drug usage. Most likely, one may not need drugs at all while some may use for a stipulated time. However, it all boils down to the conducted psychotherapy by the professional, self-care including exercise and meditation.
  10. Talking about it with the right person does not make it worse. Rather, it helps ease the tension and also boost the healing process.
  11. It solely does not dwell on exercise and relieving stress but facing your fears, accepting the situation, educating yourself and taking proper measures to heal.
  12. Suppressing your thoughts with traditional beliefs will only worsen the situation by making it stronger and frequent.

Finally, in as much as the media and entertainment industry has painted the picture negatively with the satisfaction that depressed persons are unstable, violent, fake symptoms and so on, the truth remains that they are uneducated and founding their facts on myths as well as assumption.

More importantly, avoid being scammed by reviewing every post, credentials, claims and conducting proficient research.

My profound belief is that you summon the courage and consult a professional counselor or therapist today.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit our Depression Counseling page or call 919-647-4600.

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