The Counseling Threshold

counseling services
counseling services

The notion of counseling services has multiple connotations surrounding it – both good and bad. Many people are not fully aware of what they actually entail or what the benefits of these services can be. People shy away from counseling and often conceal the fact that they go to it because of the stigma associated. Many people also put off going to counseling as they feel it is too expensive. But – there is certainly a place for counseling in today’s society and there are multiple options available, such as, seeking counseling for:

  • anger and behavioral issues
  • anxiety
  • child abuse
  • depression
  • parents’ divorce
  • addiction problems

Counseling is part of the service profession and can range from personal counseling to group therapy to family counseling. There is a style and approach to meet every need and counseling can put an end to your silent suffering. It allows you to be resilient, to talk about your problems, to build confidence and so much more.

What is Counseling?

Counseling is a process and a service offered by registered professionals, which takes place in a one-to-one relationship, between a counselor and client. Sometimes there is more than one client, for example in family therapy. The aim of counseling is for the counselor to act as a sounding board for the client and to offer assistance. This enables the client to make decisions and take responsibility for these decisions.

Counseling provides an individual with time to unfold their problem and to gain insight into their complex situation. During counseling, the counselor makes use of certain skills such as empathic understanding and active listening to support the client. According to the American Counseling Association, counseling is a professional relationship that “empowers diverse individuals, families and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education and career goals.”

The Need for Counseling:

  • It helps in the total development of students and young adults
  • It helps in the proper choice of careers and studies
  • It develops resilience and adaptability
  • It empowers individuals to regain control over their lives and build self-esteem and confidence
  • It guides individuals during times of distress and turmoil
  • It provides a listening ear
  • It offers a safe space to vent and unwind
  • It helps improve your decision-making skills

Counseling has a remedial function and emphasizes immediate goals, such as problem solution and tension reduction. A counselor’s main aim is to help you face and solve your problem. Therefore, you should not shy away when counseling fees are out of your budget. There are numerous medical aids schemes in place that support counseling and offer financial assistance. There are also many counselor’s who will be willing to adjust their fees in situations where you as a client are in dire need, but cannot afford the service. Wake Counseling & Mediation, PLLC, also offers a sliding scale fee schedule based on household income to make therapy more affordable.

Counseling is a diverse and rich service that can have a lasting, positive impact on your life. It allows you to regain control over your situations, your fears and your innermost thoughts. Ignorance is not bliss – if you are fighting a personal battle, seek out assistance and reach out to those who want to reach out to you.

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