Trauma & PTSD

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Paving The Way For Growth Through Astrological Psychology

We live in a world that’s greatly divided and conflicted, much to the detriment of our minds and souls. This unhealthy dynamic has often manifested in the  disintegration of familial relationships and the unraveling of once-held-dear friendships. Seeing and sometimes personally experiencing the very loudness of egoic chest-pounding that has been happening over the past […]

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How To Handle Your Dysfunctional Family (And Let Go Of Your Past)

Nearly everyone claims like they belong to a dysfunctional family. We also blame our families for our present troubles to the degree that we are not responsible for our actions. Our past interactions with dysfunctional families sometimes can affect our behavior. You can learn some more about a dysfunctional family and the ways to cope

How To Handle Your Dysfunctional Family (And Let Go Of Your Past) Read More »

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Navigating Loss And Grief During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Coping with feelings of grief and loss is hard enough already, but in the COVID-19 era, those feelings have made things much more difficult. People will suffer new challenges that we still can’t predict yet. Adults may grieve the loss of job, housing, family or friends while struggling with finances and supporting their families. Children

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Overcoming Childhood Emotional Neglect And Ways To Nurture Your Present

Growing up, you had this yearn for love, attention and care. You dreamed of moments when your parents or caregivers could actually look you in the face to ask you how you were doing. Or your feelings about things happening to you and around you. Being a child, you couldn’t open up to anybody especially

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